Friday night, we spent a quiet evening at home. Justin had just finished his third section of the CPA and was exhausted from studying all week. I made my homemade spaghetti and we watched
Criminal Minds. Our niece, Anna K. was celebrating her first birthday so I made a jalepeno and corn dip that night to take to her birthday/tailgate.
Saturday morning, we got up and decided to grab Chick-Fil-A before heading to Starkville. We wer late for the birthday because we forgot to grab Anna K's birthday gift. The birthday/tailgate went well. We got to see our family, Mrs. Fredna, Mr. Teddy, Kimberly, Bob, Jason, Laura, and our nephews and nieces. For halloween, Conner is going to be a skeleton, Owen is going to be the tin man, Harper is going to be a Southern Bell, and I am not sure about Anna K. I will try to get pictures and post them! The game was cold and we played terrible as usual! I just wish one year we would have a good team. When we got home, Justin read the sports forums about Croom. I think he responded to one but I am not sure. He is really disapointed in State this year, and he was not the same at the game on Saturday. He just was not as in to it as he used to be. For his sake, I hope something changes with our team!
On Sunday night, I was walking by our big window and spotted a mysterious car outside our home. I got Justin to pause his game of PlayStation 3 to see if his 20-20 vision could get the car's license plate number. I flipped on our front porch light and the vehicle started and the driver drove off to the back of our neighborhood. If anyone has been to our home, they know that this traveler was not lost and should not have been outside our home. We live in the back of our neighborhood and it takes some searching to find our home. We walked to our police officer neighbor's home to report the crazy car. He called it in and then told us that it is rumored that the previous owners were drug dealers.
Wow! Are we not the luckiest people ever?!?! Anyways, I called ADT to get an estimate on an alarm system. Hopefully, the mysterious car got the hint and will not be back. The police officer said the person probably saw my fall festive decorations and was scoping out our home to determine if the druggies still lived there or if someone else resides there. Thank the Lord for fall decor! I knew I loved my fall flag for more reasons than the fact that it is just beautiful!